Getting Started with Telehealth


Course Description

Course Description:

Telehealth is classic physical therapy or occupational therapy administered virtually through a secure, HIPAA-compliant platform, which is usually accessed through a device such as a smartphone or computer. Telehealth uniquely affords healthcare practitioners the ability to approach patients from a true biopsychosocial approach with a systematic consideration of the biological, psychological, and social factors. When providing telehealth services, therapists must also consider billing, payer contract agreements, state and federal practice guidelines, scope of practice, and HIPAA / personal health information (PHI). This course expounds on each of these considerations and teaches therapists how to set up and complete telehealth sessions for their practice, including how to evaluate patients remotely as well as how to monitor and treat patients remotely.

Contact Hours: 1
Video Course Format: Video
Target Audience:
Instructional Level: Intermediate